Resolution Foundation

Rebooting Britain

Chapter Four of The Economy 2030 Interim report

We have argued that the task facing Britain in the 2020s is to renew our economic strategy to tackle the twin challenges of low growth and high inequality, and to do so in a period of more significant change than we have been used to. It is far from certain that our politics will rise to this task: it is not an easy undertaking, and it remains unclear whether we are serious as a nation about confronting it.

This chapter turns to what the key building blocks of a more serious attempt might look like: one that is grounded in the evidence about the kind of economy the UK is and could plausibly be. It aims to be serious not just about the constraints and trade offs involved but also the scale of ambition required to make a substantial difference. Its argument is that there is a plausible landing zone for the kind of strategy that is needed, which offers the prospect not just of overcoming our problems but of building on our strengths to set the UK on a path to being a fairer, more prosperous, and greener country.

Intentionally our focus is on the most material elements of a renewed UK-wide strategy, rather than a comprehensive list of every policy area. The second phase of The Economy 2030 Inquiry over the coming year will develop specific policy interventions that would be required to make the implementation of such a strategy a success.

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